Frequently Asked Questions
Why Us?
Our experience, knowledge and hands on approach will provide you and your family with access to a financial professional who can become the macro manager for your financial future. One of the single biggest advantages of working with us is our approach. We have no preconceived idea as to what your strategy or objective should be. Instead, we help you discover where the financial course you currently are on could lead to and explore with you strategic alternatives that could potentially leave you in a better position. We want to help you go beyond an objective that focuses on goals and dreams; one that concentrates on finding strategies that may enable you to get your financial world to potentially offer greater hypothetical output and enjoyment of your wealth.
I always say that I am going to start putting money away for my retirement and never seem to have the extra money to do it.
We use the LEAP® process, which is designed to help create greater wealth with no additional out-of-pocket outlay. This process makes your dollars work better enabling you to start providing for the future.
If I already choose my own investments or use my broker recommendations, why should I meet with you?
Most financial professionals focus on only one or two aspects of your financial life. Using the LEAP® process, we evaluate and coordinate ALL aspects of your financial life. We’re not here to replace all the members of your team or products that are working well for you. By utilizing a holistic view we work at making your money more efficient and productive. Our experience goes beyond just the picking of products. Like a game of chess, we focus on understanding how all your financial vehicles, wills, insurances, debt structure should work together. We also assist your other professionals to perform for you at a higher level.
What are the types of things you will do during the process?
To create wealth efficiently with the money you potentially will receive over your lifetime, we can work together with you to consider as much information about your financial situation as we can imagine. We will listen to you then work together to explore strategies in a discovery process that is easy for you to see right on the strategy. You may see from the strategic areas where lost opportunity exists in your current financial situation. For many of our clients this is one of the main reasons they stay with us. We like to stay in touch with them and answer their questions in an easy to understand language.
What questions will be answered during the process?
How do you differ from some financial professionals?
Many financial approaches are only concerned with dollars and cents. We realize that this is only one aspect of a comprehensive process. Our goal is to create a strategy that supports what you care about most, such as educating your children, being financially stable after retirement, and properly distributing your wealth.
What will it cost for you to do the financial analysis?
You will receive strategies for no initial costs or charges. We do not want any of my clients to have a financial risk or obligation for us to do this analysis. We want to assume the financial risk for our time.
Who decides what portions of the plan to implement?
Before you take any action, we feel it is really important that YOU feel good about which strategies to implement. We will take whatever time you feel is necessary to get to that point.
Will I be pressured into making any decisions?
At no time will we pressure you into making a decision. We will always support you in doing what you know is best for you.
Our experience, knowledge and hands on approach will provide you and your family with access to a financial professional who can become the macro manager for your financial future. One of the single biggest advantages of working with us is our approach. We have no preconceived idea as to what your strategy or objective should be. Instead, we help you discover where the financial course you currently are on could lead to and explore with you strategic alternatives that could potentially leave you in a better position. We want to help you go beyond an objective that focuses on goals and dreams; one that concentrates on finding strategies that may enable you to get your financial world to potentially offer greater hypothetical output and enjoyment of your wealth.
I always say that I am going to start putting money away for my retirement and never seem to have the extra money to do it.
We use the LEAP® process, which is designed to help create greater wealth with no additional out-of-pocket outlay. This process makes your dollars work better enabling you to start providing for the future.
If I already choose my own investments or use my broker recommendations, why should I meet with you?
Most financial professionals focus on only one or two aspects of your financial life. Using the LEAP® process, we evaluate and coordinate ALL aspects of your financial life. We’re not here to replace all the members of your team or products that are working well for you. By utilizing a holistic view we work at making your money more efficient and productive. Our experience goes beyond just the picking of products. Like a game of chess, we focus on understanding how all your financial vehicles, wills, insurances, debt structure should work together. We also assist your other professionals to perform for you at a higher level.
What are the types of things you will do during the process?
To create wealth efficiently with the money you potentially will receive over your lifetime, we can work together with you to consider as much information about your financial situation as we can imagine. We will listen to you then work together to explore strategies in a discovery process that is easy for you to see right on the strategy. You may see from the strategic areas where lost opportunity exists in your current financial situation. For many of our clients this is one of the main reasons they stay with us. We like to stay in touch with them and answer their questions in an easy to understand language.
What questions will be answered during the process?
- What is the true cost of my current strategy?
- Given my current strategy, am I betting my results on the idea that taxes will be lower in the future than they are today?
- How do all the pieces of my financial puzzle fit together and is it working to meet my future retirement goals?
- Why has no one pointed this out to me before?
- Why do you recommend certain strategies and financial products?
How do you differ from some financial professionals?
Many financial approaches are only concerned with dollars and cents. We realize that this is only one aspect of a comprehensive process. Our goal is to create a strategy that supports what you care about most, such as educating your children, being financially stable after retirement, and properly distributing your wealth.
What will it cost for you to do the financial analysis?
You will receive strategies for no initial costs or charges. We do not want any of my clients to have a financial risk or obligation for us to do this analysis. We want to assume the financial risk for our time.
Who decides what portions of the plan to implement?
Before you take any action, we feel it is really important that YOU feel good about which strategies to implement. We will take whatever time you feel is necessary to get to that point.
Will I be pressured into making any decisions?
At no time will we pressure you into making a decision. We will always support you in doing what you know is best for you.